Sunday, September 14, 2008

Creating wedding checklist as early as possible

When planning a wedding, there are tons of activities or ideas that you need to consider. For those of you that do not hire a wedding organizer, then you need to be as organize as possible to reduce stress and avoid unexpected costs.

You can start by doing a simple wedding checklist. If you are computer literate, you can make a spreadsheet in excel with simple columns of: Number, Activities, Status, Price, and Note.
- Number is only a sequence number.
- Activities are for the activities or steps that you need to accomplish before for wedding day.
- Status. Whether pending, done, or canceled.
- Price. Actual price or estimated budget that you would like to spend for selected activity.
- Note. This is just additional note for you activities. For example: if the activity is finding a wedding venue, you can put phone numbers or websites of several vendors for consideration.

If you are not a computer literate, you can put the them in the paper. You will be surprised that this simple wedding checklist could help you a lot to reduce the stress and work within your wedding budget.

1 comment:

lyssa said...

It is great to read some of the information and feedback, here. I hope to read more ideas in the future!!!

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