Monday, October 1, 2007

How to cut budget on Wedding Gown

A dream dress for every Woman’s life is Wedding Gown. Everyone wants to look different on her wedding from the other people. She deserves that look on that special eve. There are lots and lots of companies who are working on Wedding dresses and couples are spending big budget on these dresses. But for an average couple, it is not good to spend big bucks for just one appearance. Always choose a best price dress for your wedding.

A wedding Gown is no doubt represent your personality to the others. The dress you wear on that big occasion should be such that everyone should praise it, but it never means it should be expensive. For example you can buy a Gown from a big brand for 5000$ and same type of Gown from a small brand for just 1000$. No one is looking on the brand of the Gown they look if it suits to you and the occasion.

We all know that in World, there are lots of communities and each have their traditions and ways to celebrate wedding and they all use different type of dresses on such occasion. But they all do not spend too much on the wedding Gown. But it does not mean you don’t go for high brands. It all depends upon your resources and budget. If your budget allow then you can go for any range but most people in the world have that much money, so planning a wedding is good thing. And some of the small things like Gown and other things make a huge difference in your final planning.

Now the time is changing and I know many of the people deals in rental gown, that is the best way I think, You have to pay only 5 or 10% of the actual cost of the Gown and you can get a good one on rent as these are such thing which you can not wear repeatedly, and spending a huge budget for one day is not a good thinking. Again I want to say that it is only for the people who are planning their wedding if you don’t look for budget then there is no limit for you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for such a thoughtful post!
Maui Weddings